#!/usr/bin/env python
# File_name: md5 hash cracker
# Currently contains about 13 site for cracking
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
import sys
import time
import urllib2
import urllib
import re
import hashlib
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print '\nUsage:'
print '\t%s --online [hash..] ' % sys.argv[0]
print '\t%s --offline [hash..] [dictionary..]' % sys.argv[0]
def banner():
print '''
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ / /\ / /\ / /\ / /\ /__/|
/ /\ / /:/ / /::\ / /::\ / /:/ | |:|
/ /:/ / /:/ / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\ / /:/ | |:|
/__/::\ / /:/ ___ / /:/~/:/ / /:/~/::\ / /:/ ___ __| |:|
\__\/\:\__ /__/:/ / /\ /__/:/ /:/___ /__/:/ /:/\:\ /__/:/ / /\ /__/\_|:|____
\ \:\/\ \ \:\ / /:/ \ \:\/:::::/ \ \:\/:/__\/ \ \:\ / /:/ \ \:\/:::::/
\__\::/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \::/~~~~ \ \::/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \::/~~~~
/__/:/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\
\__\/ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \::/ \ \:\
\__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/
| [+] MD5 Hash Cracker (online | offline) |
| [+] Home: http://www.isecur1ty.org |
| [+] Written by: isecur1ty team members |
| [+] Credits: Obzy, Relik and Sas-TerrOrisT |
option = sys.argv[1]
passwd = sys.argv[2]
if option == '--online':
if len(passwd) != 32:
print '\n[*] Error: "%s" doesn\'t seem to be a valid MD5 hash "32 bit hexadecimal"' % passwd
def myaddr():
site = 'http://md5.my-addr.com/'
rest = 'md5_decrypt-md5_cracker_online/md5_decoder_tool.php'
para = urllib.urlencode({'md5':passwd})
req = urllib2.Request(site+rest)
fd = urllib2.urlopen(req, para)
data = fd.read()
match= re.search('(Hashed string</span>: )(\w+.\w+)', data)
if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (site, match.group(2))
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' % site
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % site
def victorov():
site = 'http://www.victorov.su/'
para = 'md5/?md5e=&md5d=%s' % passwd
req = urllib2.Request(site+para)
opener = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data = opener.read()
match = re.search('(<b>)(.+[^>])(</b>)', data)
if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (site, match.group(2))
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' % site
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % site
def md5crack():
site = 'http://www.md5crack.com/'
rest = 'crackmd5.php'
para = urllib.urlencode({'term':passwd})
req = urllib2.Request(site+rest)
fd = urllib2.urlopen(req, para)
data = fd.read()
match = re.search('(Found: md5)(..)(\w+.\w+)', data)
if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (site, match.group(3))
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' % site
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error seems to be down' % site
def passcracking():
site = 'http://passcracking.com/'
rest = 'index.php'
para = urllib.urlencode({'datafromuser':passwd})
req = urllib2.Request(site+rest)
fd = urllib2.urlopen(req, para)
data = fd.read()
match = re.search(r"(<td bgcolor=#FF0000>)(.+[^<])(</td><td>)", data)
if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (site, match.group(2))
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' % site
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % site
def rednoize():
site = 'http://md5.rednoize.com/'
para = 'p&s=md5&q=%s&_=' % passwd
req = urllib2.urlopen(site+'?'+para)
data = req.read()
if not len(data): print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' %site
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (site, data)
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % site
def md5pass():
site = 'http://www.md5pass.info/'
para = urllib.urlencode({'hash':passwd, 'get_pass':'Get+Pass'})
req = urllib2.Request(site)
fd = urllib2.urlopen(req, para)
data = fd.read()
match = re.search('(Password - <b>)(\w+)', data)
if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (site, match.group(2))
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' % site
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % site
def md5decryption():
site = 'http://md5decryption.com/'
para = urllib.urlencode({'hash':passwd,'submit':'Decrypt+It!'})
req = urllib2.Request(site)
fd = urllib2.urlopen(req, para)
data = fd.read()
match = re.search(r'(Decrypted Text: </b>)(.+[^>])(</font><br/><center>)', data)
if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (site, match.group(2))
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' % site
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % site
def hashkiller():
site = 'http://opencrack.hashkiller.com/'
para = urllib.urlencode({'oc_check_md5':passwd,'oc_submit':'Search+MD5'})
req = urllib2.Request(site)
fd = urllib2.urlopen(req, para)
data = fd.read()
match = re.search('(<div class="result">)(\w+)(:)(\w+.\w+)', data)
if match:
print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (site.replace('http://', ''), match.group(4).replace('<br',''))
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' % site.replace('http://', '')
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % site
def bigtrapeze():
site = 'http://www.bigtrapeze.com/'
rest = 'md5/index.php?query=%s' % passwd
req = urllib2.Request(site+rest)
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:\
Gecko/20100316 AskTbSPC2/ Firefox/3.6.2')
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
data = opener.open(req).read()
match = re.search('(=> <strong>)(\w+.\w+)', data)
if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (site, match.group(2))
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' % site
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % site
def cloudcracker():
site = 'http://www.netmd5crack.com/'
para = 'cgi-bin/Crack.py?InputHash=%s' % passwd
req = urllib.urlopen(site+para)
data = req.read()
match = re.search(r'<tr><td class="border">[^<]+</td><td class="border">\
(?P<hash>[^>]+)</td></tr></tbody></table>', data)
if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (site, match.group(hash))
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' % site
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % site
def hashchecker():
site = 'http://www.hashchecker.com/'
para = urllib.urlencode({'search_field':passwd, 'Submit':'search'})
req = urllib2.Request(site)
fd = urllib2.urlopen(req, para)
data = fd.read()
match = re.search('(is <b>)(\w+)', data)
if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (site, match.group(2))
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' % site
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % site
def hashcracking():
site = 'http://md5.hashcracking.com/'
rest = 'search.php'
para = 'md5=%s' % passwd
req = urllib2.urlopen(site+rest+'?'+para)
data = req.read()
match = re.search('(is)(.)(\w+.\w+)', data)
if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (site, match.group(3))
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' % site
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % site
def cloudcracker():
site = 'http://www.cloudcracker.net/'
para = urllib.urlencode({'inputbox':passwd, 'submit':'Crack+MD5+Hash!'})
req = urllib2.Request(site)
fd = urllib2.urlopen(req, para)
data = fd.read()
match = re.search('(this.select)(....)(\w+=")(\w+.\w+)', data)
if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s\n' % (site, match.group(4))
else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found\n' % site
except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % site
except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\nTerminated by user ...'
elif option == '--offline':
def offline():
print '[+] This opertaion will take some time, be patient ...'
dictionary = sys.argv[3]
dic = {}
shooter = 0
f = open(dictionary, 'rb')
start = time.time()
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
dic[line] = hashlib.md5(line).hexdigest()
for k in dic.keys():
if passwd in dic[k]:
stop = time.time()
global spent
spent = stop - start
print '\n[-] Hash: %s\t\tData: %s\t\tTime: %.f seconds' % (dic[k], k, spent)
shooter += 1
if shooter == 0: print "\n[*]Password not found in [%s] try the online cracker\n" % dictionary
except IOError: print '\n[*] Erorr: %s doesn\'t exsit \n' % dictionary
except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\nTerminated by user ...'
else: pass
Skype :- Shaunwells000
ReplyDeleteIcq:- @lucky90
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Skype :- Shaunwells000
Icq:- @lucky90