Generate Backdoor With msfvenom
A tool to generate backdoor with msfvenom easily (a part from metasploit framework). This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then the compiled malware can be execute on windows, android, mac. The malware, created with this tool also have an ability to bypass most AV software.
Automating metasploit functions
Checks for metasploit service and starts if not present
Easily craft meterpreter reverse_tcp payloads for Windows, Linux, Android and Mac and another
Start multiple meterpreter reverse_tcp listners
Fast Search in searchsploit
Bypass AV
Create backdoor with another techniq
Autorunscript for listeners ( easy to use )
Drop into Msfconsole
Some other fun stuff 🙂
Autorun Backdoor
Autorun work if the victim disabled uac ( user acces control ) or low uac ( WINDOWS )
What is uac ? you can visit ( )
I have also created 3 AutoRun files
Simply copy these files to a CD or USB
You can change the icon autorun file or exe in folder icon
FatRat v1.8 Released
Getting Started
git clone
cd Fatrat
How it works
Extract The lalin-master to your home or another folder
chmod +x fatrat
chmod +x
And run the tools ( ./fatrat )
Easy to Use just input your number
A linux operating system. We recommend Kali Linux 2 or Kali 2016.1 rolling / Cyborg / Parrot / Dracos / BackTrack / Backbox / and another operating system ( linux )
Must install metasploit framework
if prog.c file to large when create backdoor with , you can use prog.c.backup and create another backup when you running option 2