Saturday, June 17, 2017

Webbies Toolkit – Web Recon & Enumeration Tools

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Webbies Toolkit – Web Recon & Enumeration Tools
Webbies Toolkit is a pair of tools that enable asynchronous web recon & enumeration including SSL detection, banner grabbing and presence of login forms.
Webbies Toolkit - Web Recon & Enumeration Tools

Webbies Features

  • Respects scope (including redirects)
  • Uses same DNS resolver for enumeration and retrieval by patching aiohttp TCPConnector
  • Cached DNS requests by wrapping aiodns
  • SSLContext can be modified for specific SSL versions
  • Outputs a simple CSV for easy grep-fu of results
  • Asynchronous http(s) and dns
  • Specialized bingapi search on ip and hostname given bing key

FDB Features

  • Fast directory/web application eumeration
  • Dir bust numerous hosts simultaneously and save all results in a directory in a CSV file per host
  • Task control to limit requests per second
  • Multiple progress bars for current status on running FDB’s
  • Include word list used, target, extensions, and start and stop times in CSV file
  • 404 detection based on response structure and content


You can download Webbies Toolkit here