Open Source SIP Sniffer
pcapsipdump is libpcap-based SIP sniffer with per-call sorting capabilities. It writes SIP/RTP sessions to disk in a same format, as “tcpdump -w”, but one file per SIP session (even if there is thousands of concurrent SIP sessions). Each session goes in a separate, fancy-named .pcap file. Those could be opened with tcpdump, wireshark and friends.
(subversion a.k.a. “svn”, make, gcc and libpcap-dev are required)
svn checkout pcapsipdump-code
cd pcapsipdump-code
sudo make install
Usage: pcapsipdump [-fpUt] [-i <interface> | -r <file>] [-d <working directory>]
[-v level] [-R filter] [-m filter] [-n filter] [-l filter]
[-B size] [-t trigger:action:param] [expression]
-f Do not fork or detach from controlling terminal.
-p Do not put the interface into promiscuous mode.
-U Make .pcap files writing 'packet-buffered' - slower method,
but you can use partitially written file anytime, it will be consistent.
-i Specify network interface name (i.e. eth0, em1, ppp0, etc).
-r Read from .pcap file instead of network interface.
-v Set verbosity level (higher is more verbose).
-B Set the operating system capture buffer size, a.k.a. ring buffer size.
This can be expressed in bytes/KB(*1000)/KiB(*1024)/MB/MiB/GB/GiB. ex.: '-B 64MiB'
Set this to few MiB or more to avoid packets dropped by kernel.
-R RTP filter. Specifies what kind of RTP information to include in capture:
'rtp+rtcp' (default), 'rtp', 'rtpevent', 't38', or 'none'.
-m Method-filter. Default is '^(INVITE|OPTIONS|REGISTER)$'
-n Number-filter. Only calls to/from specified number will be recorded
Argument is a regular expression. See 'man 7 regex' for details.
-l Record only each N-th call (i.e. '-l 3' = record only each third call)
For the expression syntax, see 'man 7 pcap-filter'
-d Set directory/filename template, where captured files will be stored.
ex.: -d /var/spool/pcapsipdump/%Y%m%d/%H/%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%f-%t.pcap
-t <trigger>:<action>:<parameter>. Parameter is %-expanded (see below)
Triggers: open = when opening a new .pcap file; close = when closing
Actions and their parameters:
mv:<directory> - move .pcap files to <directory> (using /bin/mv)
exec:"/bin/blah args..." - fork and execute /bin/blah with arguments
sh:"shell code" - fork and execute /bin/sh -c "shell code"
Following %-codes are expanded in -d and -t: %f (from/caller), %t (to/callee),
%i (call-id), and call date/time (see 'man 3 strftime' for details)
pcapsipdump is libpcap-based SIP sniffer with per-call sorting capabilities. It writes SIP/RTP sessions to disk in a same format, as “tcpdump -w”, but one file per SIP session (even if there is thousands of concurrent SIP sessions). Each session goes in a separate, fancy-named .pcap file. Those could be opened with tcpdump, wireshark and friends.
(subversion a.k.a. “svn”, make, gcc and libpcap-dev are required)
svn checkout pcapsipdump-code
cd pcapsipdump-code
sudo make install
Usage: pcapsipdump [-fpUt] [-i <interface> | -r <file>] [-d <working directory>]
[-v level] [-R filter] [-m filter] [-n filter] [-l filter]
[-B size] [-t trigger:action:param] [expression]
-f Do not fork or detach from controlling terminal.
-p Do not put the interface into promiscuous mode.
-U Make .pcap files writing 'packet-buffered' - slower method,
but you can use partitially written file anytime, it will be consistent.
-i Specify network interface name (i.e. eth0, em1, ppp0, etc).
-r Read from .pcap file instead of network interface.
-v Set verbosity level (higher is more verbose).
-B Set the operating system capture buffer size, a.k.a. ring buffer size.
This can be expressed in bytes/KB(*1000)/KiB(*1024)/MB/MiB/GB/GiB. ex.: '-B 64MiB'
Set this to few MiB or more to avoid packets dropped by kernel.
-R RTP filter. Specifies what kind of RTP information to include in capture:
'rtp+rtcp' (default), 'rtp', 'rtpevent', 't38', or 'none'.
-m Method-filter. Default is '^(INVITE|OPTIONS|REGISTER)$'
-n Number-filter. Only calls to/from specified number will be recorded
Argument is a regular expression. See 'man 7 regex' for details.
-l Record only each N-th call (i.e. '-l 3' = record only each third call)
For the expression syntax, see 'man 7 pcap-filter'
-d Set directory/filename template, where captured files will be stored.
ex.: -d /var/spool/pcapsipdump/%Y%m%d/%H/%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%f-%t.pcap
-t <trigger>:<action>:<parameter>. Parameter is %-expanded (see below)
Triggers: open = when opening a new .pcap file; close = when closing
Actions and their parameters:
mv:<directory> - move .pcap files to <directory> (using /bin/mv)
exec:"/bin/blah args..." - fork and execute /bin/blah with arguments
sh:"shell code" - fork and execute /bin/sh -c "shell code"
Following %-codes are expanded in -d and -t: %f (from/caller), %t (to/callee),
%i (call-id), and call date/time (see 'man 3 strftime' for details)