Monday, June 5, 2017

Web Reconnaissance Framework: Recon-ng

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Web Reconnaissance Framework: Recon-ng
Web Reconnaissance Framework

    Recon-ng is a full-featured Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python. Complete with independent modules, database interaction, built in convenience functions, interactive help, and command completion, Recon-ng provides a powerful environment in which open source web-based reconnaissance can be conducted quickly and thoroughly.

Recon-ng v4.9.0 released

     Recon-ng has a look and feel similar to the Metasploit Framework, reducing the learning curve for leveraging the framework. However, it is quite different. Recon-ng is not intended to compete with existing frameworks, as it is designed exclusively for web-based open source reconnaissance. If you want to exploit, use the Metasploit Framework. If you want to Social Engineer, us the Social Engineer Toolkit. If you want to conduct reconnaissance, use Recon-ng!

Web Reconnaissance Framework: Recon-ng documentation


    All 3rd party libraries/packages should be installed prior to use. The framework checks for the presence of the following dependencies at runtime and disables the modules affected by missing dependencies.

dnspython –
dicttoxml –
jsonrpclib –
lxml –
mechanize –
slowaes –
XlsxWriter –


Download Recon-ng:

git clone

Change into the Recon-ng directory.

cd recon-ng
Install dependencies.

pip install -r REQUIREMENTS


     Recon-ng is a completely modular framework and makes it easy for even the newest of Python developers to contribute. Each module is a subclass of the “module” class. The “module” class is a customized “cmd” interpreter equipped with built-in functionality that provides simple interfaces to common tasks such as standardizing output, interacting with the database, making web requests, and managing API keys. Therefore, all the hard work has been done. Building modules is simple and takes little more than a few minutes. See the Development Guide for more information.

Recon-ng comes with ~80 recon moduloes, 2 discovery modules, 2 exploitation modules, 7 reporting modules and 2 import modules.

cache_snoop – DNS Cache Snooper
interesting_files – Interesting File Finder
command_injector – Remote Command Injection Shell Interface
xpath_bruter – Xpath Injection Brute Forcer
csv_file – Advanced CSV File Importer
list – List File Importer
point_usage – Jigsaw – Point Usage Statistics Fetcher
purchase_contact – Jigsaw – Single Contact Retriever
search_contacts – Jigsaw Contact Enumerator
jigsaw_auth – Jigsaw Authenticated Contact Enumerator
linkedin_auth – LinkedIn Authenticated Contact Enumerator
github_miner – Github Resource Miner
whois_miner – Whois Data Miner
bing_linkedin – Bing Linkedin Profile Harvester
email_validator – SalesMaple Email Validator
mailtester – MailTester Email Validator
mangle – Contact Name Mangler
unmangle – Contact Name Unmangler
hibp_breach – Have I been pwned? Breach Search
hibp_paste – Have I been pwned? Paste Search
pwnedlist – PwnedList Validator
migrate_contacts – Contacts to Domains Data Migrator
facebook_directory – Facebook Directory Crawler
fullcontact – FullContact Contact Enumerator
adobe – Adobe Hash Cracker
bozocrack – PyBozoCrack Hash Lookup
hashes_org – Hash Lookup
leakdb – leakdb Hash Lookup
metacrawler – Meta Data Extractor
pgp_search – PGP Key Owner Lookup
salesmaple – SalesMaple Contact Harvester
whois_pocs – Whois POC Harvester
account_creds – PwnedList – Account Credentials Fetcher
api_usage – PwnedList – API Usage Statistics Fetcher
domain_creds – PwnedList – Pwned Domain Credentials Fetcher
domain_ispwned – PwnedList – Pwned Domain Statistics Fetcher
leak_lookup – PwnedList – Leak Details Fetcher
leaks_dump – PwnedList – Leak Details Fetcher
brute_suffix – DNS Public Suffix Brute Forcer
baidu_site – Baidu Hostname Enumerator
bing_domain_api – Bing API Hostname Enumerator
bing_domain_web – Bing Hostname Enumerator
brute_hosts – DNS Hostname Brute Forcer
builtwith – BuiltWith Enumerator
google_site_api – Google CSE Hostname Enumerator
google_site_web – Google Hostname Enumerator
netcraft – Netcraft Hostname Enumerator
shodan_hostname – Shodan Hostname Enumerator
ssl_san – SSL SAN Lookup
vpnhunter – VPNHunter Lookup
yahoo_domain – Yahoo Hostname Enumerator
zone_transfer – DNS Zone File Harvester
ghdb – Google Hacking Database
punkspider – PunkSPIDER Vulnerabilty Finder
xssed – XSSed Domain Lookup
xssposed – XSSposed Domain Lookup
migrate_hosts – Hosts to Domains Data Migrator
bing_ip – Bing API IP Neighbor Enumerator
freegeoip – FreeGeoIP
ip_neighbor – Lookup
ipinfodb – IPInfoDB GeoIP
resolve – Hostname Resolver
reverse_resolve – Reverse Resolver
ssltools – Host Name Lookups
geocode – Address Geocoder
reverse_geocode – Reverse Geocoder
flickr – Flickr Geolocation Search
instagram – Instagram Geolocation Search
picasa – Picasa Geolocation Search
shodan – Shodan Geolocation Search
twitter – Twitter Geolocation Search
whois_orgs – Whois Company Harvester
reverse_resolve – Reverse Resolver
shodan_net – Shodan Network Enumerator
census_2012 – Internet Census 2012 Lookup
sonar_cio – Project Sonar Lookup
migrate_ports – Ports to Hosts Data Migrator
dev_diver – Dev Diver Repository Activity Examiner
linkedin – Linkedin Contact Crawler
linkedin_crawl – Linkedin Profile Crawler
namechk – Username Validator
profiler – OSINT HUMINT Profile Collector
twitter – Twitter Handles
github_repos – Github Code Enumerator
gists_search – Github Gist Searcher
github_dorks – Github Dork Analyzer
csv – CSV File Creator
html – HTML Report Generator
json – JSON Report Generator
list – List Creator
pushpin – PushPin Report Generator
xlsx – XLSX File Creator
xml – XML Report Generator
