Monday, June 5, 2017

Network Reconnaissance & Vulnerability Assessment Tool: ReconScan

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Network Reconnaissance & Vulnerability Assessment Tool: ReconScan
Network Reconnaissance & Vulnerability Assessment Tool

     The project currently consists of two major components: a script invoking and aggregating the results of existing tools, and a second script for automated analysis of the aforementioned results from the perspective of exploitability.

In terms of real-world pentesting, these scripts are not meant to replace commercial tools such as Nessus or Nexpose, but they can complement it nicely for finding the latest vulnerabilities and their PoC exploits.

Network reconnaissance

    The script runs various open-source tools in order to enumerate the services on a host. Best run under Kali Linux or similar pentesting-oriented distribution with these tools preinstalled and preconfigured.

The flow followed by the script is as follows:

Scan all TCP/UDP ports with nmap, service detection, minimal amount of scripts:
If there are unidentified services, try amap.
For identified software, run vulnerability analysis with
For identified services, run further analysis:
HTTP(S): nmap with all http scripts, nikto, dirb
SMTP: nmap with all smtp scripts
FTP: nmap with all ftp scripts, hydra if requested
SMB: nmap with all smb scripts, enum4linux, samrdump
MSSQL: nmap with all mssql scripts
SSH: hydra if requested
SNMP: onesixtyone, snmpwalk
DNS: attempt zone transfer (axfr) with dig
     Results will be dumped into the results/$ip_address directory, with the $port_$service_$tool file naming scheme. The tools are mostly run simultaneously (unless one depends on the result of another) and the CLI output will be aggregated and tagged by the script, so you will see the progress and dirt found by each running script in real-time.


usage: [-h] [-b] [-n] [-v] [-o OUTPUT] address [port] [service]

positional arguments:
  address               address of the host.
  port                  port of the service, if scanning only one port
  service               type of the service, when port is specified

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b, --bruteforce      bruteforce credentials with hydra
  -n, --dry-run         does not invoke commands
  -v, --verbose         enable verbose output, repeat for more verbosity
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output directory for the results

Vulnerability analysis

     The script analyses a specified CPE name to determine whether it has any known vulnerabilities and published exploits.

As input, it takes a CPE name, a full name and version, or a path to an xml-based nmap report, which was generated with service detection. When not providing a CPE name, the free-text provided will be fuzzy-matched with the CPE dictionary to check if the provided software name and version has a CPE name. When an nmap report is provided, the CPE names for the identified services are used for the lookup. If the software name and version is available, but the CPE name is not, it will try to fuzzy-match it.

Vulnerabilites are listed and color-coded based on availability: gray – no public known exploit, yellow – partially public or limited information, red – public exploit available.

In order to take it one step further, the ExploitDB and SecurityFocus references are extracted from the CVE entries, which allows the script to provide direct links to the exploits. In order to provide perfect ExploitDB and SecurityFocus results for the vulnerabilities, curated lists will have to be used during database updates. If these lists are missing, ExploitDB and SecurityFocus links will still be displayed, but with issues: the SecurityFocus IDs are listed, but information is not available in the CVE entries themselves on whether the SecurityFocus exploit page has any content or not; similarly, the ExploitDB references seem to be missing quite a few entries.

The curated list for ExploitDB should be placed under nvd/exploitdb.lst, which will act as a supplemental EDB-CVE map to the ones found in the CVE references. The SecurityFocus list should be placed under nvd/securityfocus.lst, which is a list of SecurityFocus IDs with exploit entries, and this list will be used to determine whether a SecurityFocus CVE reference will be imported or not.


usage: [-h] [-a] [-e] [-u] [query]

positional arguments:
  query           CPE name, full name and version to fuzzy match, or path to nmap report (generated with -sV)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -a, --all       dump all vulnerabilities for a CPE when no version is included (off by default)
  -e, --exploits  dump only vulnerabilities with public exploits available
  -u, --update    download the CVE dumps and recreate the local database
