Monday, June 5, 2017

Lightweight Arch Linux Based Security Distribution: BlackArch Linux

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Lightweight Arch Linux Based Security Distribution: BlackArch Linux
Lightweight Arch Linux Based Security Distribution: BlackArch Linux
Made for penetration testers and security researchers

    BlackArch Linux is an open source distribution of Linux derived from the lightweight and powerful Arch Linux operating system and designed from the ground up to be used by security professionals for penetration testing tasks and security auditing. While the distribution can be installed on top of an existing Arch Linux installation, the main attraction of this Linux Security Distriution is the Live DVDs, which support both 32-bit (i386) and 64-bit (x86_64) hardware platforms

     While the default graphical session is powered by Fluxbox, this arch based linux security distribution also includes the i3, WMii, Spectrwm, awesome, dwm and Openbox window managers. Keep in mind though, that you must first log in using the root/blackarch username/password combination. Except for the fact that it uses a custom background image with the BlackArch Linux logo, the boot loader includes the same boot entries as in the standard Arch Linux ISO images, allowing the user to boot the operating system, boot an existing OS, run a memory test, view detailed hardware information, as well as to reboot or shutdown the PC.

BlackArch Linux 2017.03.01 Released

    In order to transform your standard Arch Linux distribution into BlackArch Linux, you will need to modify your /etc/pacman.conf file and add the following repository at the end:


Server = /$repo/os/$arch
Replacing the values with the closest Arch Linux mirror to your location.

Please visit the official website of the BlackArch Linux project for the PGP keys, which are needed if you want to install any of the BlackArch Linux packages.

Lightweight Arch Linux Based Security Distribution: BlackArch Linux Documentation

   There are a plethora of pentesting tools included in this distribution, gathered under the BlackArch menu entry and organized in numerous categories, including anti-forensic, debuggers, crackers, decompilers, backdoors, fuzzers, keyloggers, proxy, spoofing, sniffers, malware, wireless and disassemblers. The repository contains 1405 tools ! You can install tools individually or in groups. BlackArch Linux is compatible with existing Arch installs. The toolset is distributed as an Arch Linux unofficial user repository. All tools are thoroughly tested before being added to the codebase to maintain the quality of the repository.

Lightweight Arch Linux Based Security Distribution: BlackArch Linux Tool List

Lightweight Arch Linux Based Security Distribution: BlackArch Linux screenshot

Installing on top of ArchLinux

Run as root and follow the instructions.

curl -O
sha1sum # should match : 86eb4efb68918dbfdd1e22862a48fda20a8145ff
sudo ./
Now download a fresh copy of the master package list and synchronize packages:

sudo pacman - Syyu

Installing packages

You may now install tools from the BlackArch repository. To list all of the available tools, run

pacman - Sgg | grep blackarch | cut -d ’ ’ - f2 | sort -u 2.
To install all of the tools, run

pacman -S blackarch
To install a category of tools, run

pacman -S blackarch - < category >
To see the blackarch categories, run

pacman - Sg | grep blackarch 2.1.3

Installing packages from source

As part of an alternative method of installation, you can build the BlackArch packages from source. You can find the PKGBUILDs on github. To build the entire repo, you can use the Blackman tool

First, you have to install Blackman:

pacman -S blackman
Or you can can build and install Blackman from source:

mkdir blackman
cd blackman
# Make sure the PKGBUILD has not been maliciously tampered with !
makepkg -s
Alternatively, you can install Blackman from the AUR:

< whatever AUR helper you use > -S blackman

Basic Blackman usage

Blackman is very simple to use, though the flags are different from what you would typically expect from something like pacman. Basic usage has been outlined below.

Download, compile and install packages:

sudo blackman -i package
Download, compile and install whole category:

sudo blackman -g group
Download, compile and install all of the BlackArch tools:

sudo blackman -a
To list the blackarch categories:

blackman -l
To list category tools:

blackman -p category

Installing from live-, netinstall- ISO or ArchLinux

You can install BlackArch Linux from one of BlackArch live- or netinstall-ISOs. The following steps are required after the ISO boot up.

Install blackarch-install-scripts package:

sudo pacman -S blackarch - install - scripts

sudo blackarch - install
